Finding the middle ground

kleine strijder

Between being on the one hand full of courage, faith and optimism. To the point where faith can feel like a mask and you can no longer breathe as a human being. There is no room for weaknesses, sighs, faltering, doubt and struggles, because everything should be in perfect shape. We like to be on … Read more

Get the Brain-bug

The brain bug in the movie Star Troopers

There’s this fantastic (bit of sarcasm here) movie ‘Starship Troopers’, where humanity (the Federation) has to fight against an alien species (the “Arachnids”, also called ‘Bugs’). First mankind suffers much loss as the Bugs seem to outsmart and outnumber them. At some point they realize there’s there’s a ‘brain-bug’, that is the mastermind behind the … Read more

How Is Your Growth?

Trees & Birds Wallpaper

I was worried. Am I growing enough ‘spiritually’ and are my fruits growing and showing? I’m wanting so hard to have fatty yummy fruits. Is there a growth or decline? There’s so much opportunity to have growth, but I just can’t seem to hold on to my part. The discipline to push through, on and … Read more

Make a Move

Getting out of a place of slavery, indoctrination a tyrannic dictatorshipwhere people are not allowed to express, move and leave freely captive by the fear of reprimand and punishment there’s a public display of wealth and success but people suffer silently, behind the curtains of isolation why don’t you come out of an imaginary North … Read more

I’m no Play-Doh

Bending and twisting to fit expectations Shaped by the hands of mentoring opinions I can’t breathe, I can’t be, this ain’t me It’s a trick, it’s a scamMy spiritual guidance, mentor, instructor is to come from Holy Spirit before man But this hurt me so muchI’d be confused, thinking, is this God? Pushed from left, … Read more