You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to find it within himself. Galileo Galilei
Illusion of Truth
If you keep repeating a lie long enough, someone will start believing it. It is known as the “Illusion of truth” effect. Read more: Keep repeating lies Keep repeating lies One will start to believe What ever you say Keep repeating Lies Lies One will start to believe What is true Based on what … Read more
The Leaves of Attitude and Behavior
“For Every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root.” Henry David Thoreau Change the way someone looks at things, and you change the way they do things. You can only have a big change in one’s life, by changing their view first, before going for and try and … Read more
Make Mistakes (Just Do It!)
Stressing perfection: a deathboxDo you dare (to make mistakes)? I find it not easy. Do we give ourselves space for it? I often ask myself, am I on the right track? Like I’m being micromanaged by my own self criticism. I also experienced once being directed by a micro-manager at work. One who closely watches … Read more
Vader Was Found In Hope
I like this movie scene, it inspires me how Luke keeps hope that there is still good in his father Darth Vader, or should I say Anakin? “I’ll not leave you here. I’ve got to save you!”, Luke says after seeing his father unmasked and crumbled down by the wear and tear of the dark … Read more
Freefall – in complete surrender. Falling backward into the depth without knowing where you’ll land Strings start to snap off from you as you fall But as you fall you find you’re being carried. It’s more like you realize you start floating Bubbly, airy, like falling on a cushion of feathers It is a NEW … Read more
“I… am… inevitable”
We can be on a road to achieve a goal, a higher purpose, a destiny we set for ourselves or believe we’re given and become blind or hardened towards the damage and cost it comes with. Thanos’ in the Avengers series believed it was his destiny to destroy half of the universe, so that balance … Read more
Love is a Risk
Love is a risk – it can be the beginning of a lifelong romance, or it can be the end of your joyful naive little heart. Andre Rabe
Get the Brain-bug
There’s this fantastic (bit of sarcasm here) movie ‘Starship Troopers’, where humanity (the Federation) has to fight against an alien species (the “Arachnids”, also called ‘Bugs’). First mankind suffers much loss as the Bugs seem to outsmart and outnumber them. At some point they realize there’s there’s a ‘brain-bug’, that is the mastermind behind the … Read more
Look, Slice, Drop-box
I used to organize my Dropbox (service for hosting and backup of your personal files) a certain way. Until recently. I had it organized by type of document. It was very easy to keep order like this. I just looked at the type of file, the file extension, and placed it in a folder accordingly. … Read more