I created this blog to give some insight into the journey I’m making personally and spiritually, as I’d like to take others with me on a journey or encourage theirs. Also as an outlet, for some of the struggles I’ve experienced. From falling in love with Jesus and His way of life, to being hit by storms and starting to live life as a lost son; eventually recommitting myself to God and church life, only to find myself on a broken path of standardized Christianity and finding it to be suffocating and achingly dull.
Aka “the shame game”
Rather than it as I desired; it being a way to find healing and getting more intimately acquainted with the life, person and identity within you, I experienced a lot of it to only take me further away from myself. Leaving wounds unhealed and overlooked. And being put on a bandwagon, where a lot of effort is made to move forward, but finding yourself practically in the same spot. Finding my feet in an undesirable and demanding marching rhythm, while finding my soul to be disconnecting further from itself, with every step forward. Instead of receiving grace in my shame, receiving leaves as for covert. What a twist in expectation.
Moving on
Well, not really moving on.. I’m taking the time to take a closer look at what’s going on and finding answers – or finding new questions that give answers or put you to rest at leaving questions unanswered. Anyway, I like to deep-dive and take the time to process and for process – to go through a phase of receiving gold in the cracks of my inner vase.
That brings me to the title of the blog: ‘My Kintsugi Journey’. You could also translate it as ‘My Gold Repair Journey’. ‘Kintsugi’ is a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with powdered gold, silver or platinum.
The same way, I believe, we can receive a ‘golden joinery’ for our inner being.
Treasure along the way
The thing is, when you go through life’s disappointments or hardships, there’s the ugly and painful, but on the other and brighter side.. there’s a lot of treasure you may find along the way: to learn and to grow from. That’s what makes it exciting as well! But that also requires a change of perspective. Maybe and hopefully also, the writings on the blog help you with that. We can make a mountain out of a molehill; turn moments full of wonder and surprise into grievous and zombie-like experiences. Is it possible that with a childlike faith, wonder and curiosity, we can do just the opposite?